We follow the movement against black people’s discrimination and abuse and we are happy that many people hear and listen, as we did and do. We all need to keep listening and learning and of course question or change our behavior. We are all humans and have the same rights and deserve the same respect. We need to stand together and fight against society’s cancer Racism. Racism must not have a place in the world.

The community that follows us knows that our company, trendig, and also our conferences Agile Testing Days have set standards for the attendees, speakers and business partners based on diversity and inclusion. These are part of our deepest believes.

When we started 22 years ago we fought for diversity and inclusion and have been fighting for that since. Race, Religion, Gender, Nationality, Sexual Orientation or Social Status did not and do not play any roll in our company or events.

We support YOU, as you are. We believe in YOU, as you are. It is always about YOU.

We want to express our love and support for the Black Community. We all know that they have been going through a very hard time. On the one hand we are shocked seeing how many officials still misuse their granted power and engage in unspeakable misconduct. And on the other hand we perceive and support to the fullest the big hope and the love from around the world supporting the black community. YOU are not alone in that, WE stand together. We will NOT let it go.

We need to speak together with one voice.

We invite you to raise your voice against racism and violence. We did, we do and we will keep doing it.
